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Experimental production [Hits: 231434]  Discuss on forum [0]

Leningrad - "Mineral" and "Plastmass" Artels (2185)
According to Roman Pantelyus:
19471 – 116
1948120 – 294
1949295 – 356
1950409 – 608
1951611 – 899
1952901 – 1075
19531079 – 1180
19541182 – 1374
Lenmuztrest (1125)
According to Yuri Boyarintsev:
Numbers #Year
1…~ 2001935
~ 201… ~ 5001936
~ 501…~ 12001937
~ 1201…~ 18001938
~ 1801…~ 21801939
~ 2181…~ 27001940
~ 2701…3021, …?1941
Leningrad Cinema (Lenkino) (70)
The company existed since 1933 and was engaged in dubbing movies soundtracks to phonograph records using the technology developed by engineers Vladimir Zaikin, Valentin Tovstoles and technologist Lidia Abramovich. Matrix numbers had prefix "L" (which must be included when entering the record information). The company was disbanded in the summer of 1936 and divided into two branches: Lenoblkino and Lengorkino. Lenoblkino and LEF firms continued reissuing Lenkino records and used the original labels, but records affiliation can be identified by the numbers shown on the records mirrors
Leningrad Region Cinema (Lenoblkino) (29)
In the summer of 1936, Lenkino was liquidated and divided into two branches: Lenoblkino and Lengorkino. Lenoblkino took Lenkino premises for the production of phonograph records and did this until the end of 1936, until the Experimental Factory was organized (in the same building). The records were issued with their own labels as well as with Lenkino labels. The matrix numbers had been handwritten and started with zero. There was often indicated the year of production - 1936.
--Roman Pantelius
Leningrad City Cinema (97)
The company was founded in the summer of 1936 as a result of the division of Lenkino into two branches: Lenoblkino and Lengorkino.
--Roman Pantelius
Leningrad - LEF (1403)
Experimental record pressing plant of Art Management Office of Leningrad Regional Administration 1938-1940th known as "LEF"

The plant located on 9-b Solyany alleyway. As soon as in 136 it began pressing of records while serving Lenoblkino (Leningrad District Cinema Committee) bureau. In 1937 they issued the first records with inscription on the upper part of the label: «Experimental record pressing plant « Lenobliskusstva» (Leningrad District Art Committee)»... [more]
Leningrad - Artel "Gramplastmass" of LCPS (21)
1934-1937. Artel "Gramplastmass" Lenkhimpromsoyuz, Leningrad, Korpusnaya st. d.20
Leningrad - Artel "Gramplastmass" of VSPK-LOSPK (1542)
1938-1960s. Artel "Gramplastmass" of Lenoblradiomuzpromsoyuz, Krasnoye Selo
Duderhof - "Avantgard" Factory (33)
Production of flexible and conventional records was launched in the second half of the 1930s at the Duderhof station of the Baltic Railway near Leningrad Training and Production Plant, administered by the Leningrad KUZHD (Commission on Improving Lives of Children).
Leningrad - Artel "Polytechnic" (8)
Artel "Polytechnic" was a part of LMSHPS "Lenmetizshirpromsoyuz" - the Leningrad Metal Union for the Production of Consumer Goods, which in turn was part of the "Vsekoprommetallsoyuz" - the All-Russian Metal Union of Industrial Cooperation.

Address: Leningrad, Kirochnaya st., 52

Pressing plant: Leningrad, International pr., 20
Leningrad - Zaikin, Abramovich & Tovstoles (2)
The first experimental records made using the technology developed by Vladimir Zaikin, Lidia Abramovich and Valentin Tovstoles.
Leningrad - Gosmuztrest (10)
Experimental and Production Laboratory "Gosmuztrest"
Leningrad - Zolotaya Sobaka (9)
Underground production cooperative "Zolotaya Sobaka" (Golden Dog) of Ruslan Bogoslovsky and Boris Taygin (the real name Pavlinov). 1950th, Leningrad
Leningrad - ZET (151)
Industrial co-operative "ZET". End of 1930s.
Leningrad - Kultprom (17)
Leningrad - Laboratory Kinoreklama (3)
Leningrad Cinema Executive Committee Management
The Laboratory of the automatic sound movie advertising
Leningrad Radio Committee (VSHV) (1)
Leningrad - Sverdlov District Factory (41)
Local industry complex of the Sverdlov District of the City of Leningrad. The records were pressed by the Plastmass Factory of the Ministry of Local Industry (MMP).
Leningrad - Plastic Products Plant of NKMP (12)
Leningrad - Plastmass Factory of NKMP/MMP (234)
Leningrad - Plastmass Factory of the Ministry of Local Industry (MMP)
Leningrad - Prombum Factory (41)
The records of the Prombum factory are dated back to 1940. The production was managed by the Leningrad City Paper and Printing Union of Trade Cooperation (Lenprompechatsoyuz) and was located on 3a Dyominskaya Street.

The factory produced single-sided “miniature” phonograph records with a diameter of 12 cm. A thin layer of shellac mass (1.5-2 mm) was applied to paper basis with a colorful pattern made by Grigoryev lithography.... [more]
Leningrad - Radio Products Plant LGMP PPK (48)
История фабрики начинается в середине 1930-х годов, в период массового развития производства граммофонных записей. В Ленинграде в то время работало множество артелей и фабрик по производству грампластинок. Одним из таких предприятий была «Фабрика радио-изделий». Располагалась фабрика по адресу: г. Ленинград, ул. Кронверкская, д. 17 (на современной карте дом №21).

(От редакции: примечательно, что хотя фабрика печатала пластинки с матриц других производств... [more]
Leningrad - CRL-LRC (0)
Central Laboratory of the Leningrad Radio Committee. End of 1930s.
Moscow - All-Union Recording Studio (10)
Moscow - Bakovka Factory (48)
Moscow Region
Moscow - Dom Zvukozapisi (DZZ) (314)
Dom Zvukozapisi is literally translated as "Sound Recording House"
Moscow - Recording Institute (5)
История ВНИИТР началась в 1934 г. с создания Центральной научно-исследовательской лаборатории Грампласттреста.

В лаборатории были разработаны и внедрены и оригинальные технические и технологические решения в области механической звукозаписи, что позволило осуществить реставрацию многих ценных художественных и публицистических грамзаписей. Была создана первая в стране долгоиграющая грампластинка.... [more]
Moscow - Institute of Health Education of the Peoples Commissariat of Health of the USSR (12)
Moscow - MosKhimSoyuz/MosKhimCommuna (7)
Moscow - Theatre production workshops (19)
Moscow - All-Union Radio Committee Studio (519)
Moscow - Experimental workshop ARTS (94)
The editions of the All-Russian Theatrical Society (ARTS)
Moscow - Rostokino Experimental Records Pressing Plant of NKMP RSFSR (176)
Most likely the plant was located in Rostokino district (Moscow’s district nearby VSHV -All-Union Agricultural Exhibition). The first records were issued in 1937. Originally (almost to the end of two hundred numbers) they featured only copied repertoire (from the Western records). The example of Caruso is exactly from this number. It is unknown where the stampers were made, but most likely the plant had its own equipment for copying from the Western records. In the fall of 1938 they built Dom Zvukozapisi (DZZ, House of Recording) on the Kachalov Street that was equipped with recording studios... [more]
Nationalkomitee Freies Deutschland (3)
The “Nationalkomitee Freies Deutschland” was founded on 12-13 July 1943 at Krasnogorsk with Soviet support. Its members were German Prisoners of War (mostly Stalingrad fighters), Communist politicians (Pieck, Ulbricht) and writers (Becher, Wolf). The aim was the overthrow of the Hitler regime and the end of World War II by means of propaganda transmitted by the radio station "Freies Deutschland” (Free Germany), loudspeakers at the front, leaflets dropped by planes, and by the weekly newspaper “Freies Deutschland”... [more]
Cooperative Artel of Dzerzhinsky (20)
Промкооперативная артель им. Дзержинского
г. Орджоникидзе, Донбасс

С 1943 года (вскоре после освобождения) город стал называться Енакиево, поэтому это ещё довоенное производство.
Sverdlovsk Regional Cinema Trust (58)
"Люди старшего поколения не забыли ящички-патефоны, на диск которых осторожно ставилась хрупкая поблескивающая пластинка. В движение диск приводился, скрытой в ящичке пружиной. Но для этого ее надо было подкрутить боковой изогнутой рукояткой. Да. не один раз, Завода хватало лишь на вращение одной стороны пластинки, Кроме того, требовалось часто менять стальную иголку. Иголка быстро тупилась и портила пластинку.... [more]
Kharkov - Patefonny Zavod (2)
Харьковский патефонный завод. Хароблметалотрест НКМП УССР г. Харьков

Харькiвський патефоний завод. Хароблметалотрест НКМП УРСР Харькiв
Sound Recording Ateliers and Studios (211)
The Music on the Ribs (191)
Shtampovki (Camouflage) (78)
It is believed that such records were made in the workshops of the former factory "Bellaccord" after the accession of Latvia to the USSR for the top authorities or for sale on the black market.
Sound letters (99)
Phono-postcards (soviet period) (1)
Recorded blanks (126)
Central Commitee of DOSAAF USSR (2)
Rescue Department of the Central Committee of DOSAAF USSR
Tbilisi - Recording Studio (0)
Cкорее всего студия принадлежала Тбилисскому радио. Существовала приблизительно в 1957-1959 гг. Студия использовала три системы нумерации: раннюю с префиксом "М", основную (как правило номера начинаются с цифры "0") и позднюю, пластинок которой пока нет на сайте. Ранняя нумерация является продолжением поздней московской ФЗЗ-шной нумерации. Фактически в это время студия явлалась филиалом ФЗЗ, потому что ленты для матриц не записывались непосредственно в студии, а присылались из Москвы. Через какое-то время студия начала делать собственные записи, которые выпускались вперемешку с московскими. Последняя известная нам московская запись имеет номер М-128 Осенние листья (Нечаев), первая грузинская - М-117. После М-130 идут уже только кавказские записи. Начиная примерно с М-162 (Гюльнара, Багдасарян, примерно декабрь 1957 - январь 1958) произошёл переход на свою собственную (основную) нумерацию.
(по материалам Димы Фокина)

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